The City Clerk's office has relocated to the Inspections/Zoning wing at City Hall, giving them more space to serve you efficiently.
With the upcoming election, your route will look a little different when visiting. Make sure to plan ahead and follow the new temporary signage to find us easily.
For any election-related services, visit our website for more details!
If you're voting absentee, you can:
Drop off your absentee ballot at the Clerk’s Office in the new location
Return your ballot by mail (make sure it arrives on time!)
Vote absentee in person at City Hall during early voting hours
March 18–21 & March 24–27 → 10 AM – 1 PM
March 28 → 8:30 AM – 5 PM
Plan ahead and follow the new signs when visiting City Hall.
From the City of Menomonie Facebook page.