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City Council affirms Mayor Emergency Declaration

At the City Council meeting on March 3rd, the Council affirmed the Emergency Declaration issued by Mayor Randy Knaack on February 24, 2025, following a massive water leak near ConAgra. According to Wisconsin Statutes, public bidding is required for construction contracts over $25,000, except in emergency situations.

Approximately 500,000 gallons of water were lost in just 1.5 hours. ConAgra experienced six to seven feet of water inside the plant. With the emergency declaration in place, the City—assisted by Cedar Corporation—was able to contract with Haas Sons, Inc. immediately. Repair work began the following day, February 25.

Additional Council Actions:

Point Comfort Boat Launch and Lift Station Replacement:

The Council awarded the contract to Pember Excavating, Inc. A Wisconsin DNR grant will cover 45% of the boat launch cost. The sanitary lift station in the parking lot, which has reached the end of its service life, will be replaced. The adjacent parking lot will also be resurfaced.

Fund Balance Policy Approval:

The Council approved a Fund Balance Policy to establish a benchmark for the general fund balance, supporting adequate cash flow and demonstrating strong financial management to the city’s credit rating agency, S&P Global. Menomonie’s current rating is A+, with a goal of improving to AA-, which could lower borrowing costs. The policy sets a target minimum general fund balance of 15% of the following year’s budgeted expenditures, excluding capital outlays and projects.

Wakanda Waterpark Chemicals Contract:

The Council approved a contract with Carrico Aquatic Resources to supply pool chemicals for Wakanda Waterpark.

City Property Leases:

Leases were approved for office space at City Hall with ReforMedicine and the Community Foundation of Dunn County. A lease was also approved with CVTC for farmland near Stokke Parkway.

Capital Improvement Plan Review:

The Council reviewed the 2024–2029 Capital Improvement Projects.

Board Appointment:

Naomi Cummings was appointed to the Urban Forestry Board.

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