There is so much happening with Dunn County 4-H! Here's an update from Ann Lee - Dunn County 4-H Assistant. If you want to join 4-H and be a part of these activities, call Zac at 715-232-1636.
What is 4-H?
4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization, with more than six million members and over 90,000 clubs. These clubs form a community of young people across America who learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills through community service programs and structured recreational activities. 4-H is a youth development program that emphasizes "learning by doing" through hands-on activities across various fields like health, science, agriculture, arts, and community engagement, allowing members to gain practical knowledge and skills through active participation in projects and club meetings. To learn more, go to https://dunn.extension.wisc.edu/4-h-youth-development.
4-H’ers Recent Activities
It has been a busy month. Besides their regular club meetings, multiple Dunn County 4-H Clubs have been holding food drives for their communities, trying to see which club could gather the most non-perishable food items per member. The winners will get to have an ice cream party!
Dunn County 4-H was a part of a Tri-County Speaking and Demonstration Contest was held with 4-H’ers Chippewa and Eau Claire Counties at the Elk Mound School. These three counties’ 4-H programs also partnered with the University of Wisconsin-Stout for a STEM Day on campus and Art U, a currently running, in-person, and virtual art program taught by UW-Stout students once a week for 4-H members for four weeks.
Upcoming 4-H Activities
Spring Break Stay-cation Event Dunn County 4-H’ers - No Spring break plans? No problem! Join our Dunn County 4-H team as they lead fun spring break activities. The theme for March 14th and 20th is Camping. We will learn camping tips and tricks, make a survival bracelet, and play Camp Bingo! March 21st will be our lazy day. Join us for a pajama party with crafts and games! 4-H Youth grades K-5 are invited.
4-H’ers who have already registered are joining with other 4-H’ers from Chippewa and Eau Claire counties for the yearly Tri-County Performing Art Festival that provides youth of all ages the opportunity to sing, dance, and do a drama performance in a fun, stress-free environment. 4-H’ers from the three counties will also get together for Clover U which is a great opportunity to learn about some of the project areas of 4-H.
4-H Summer Camp will be at Kamp Kenwood and Lake Wissota State Park in Chippewa Falls for 4-H members grades 3-9 on June 9-12th. The 4-H Summer Camp and funding for camp is open to all Dunn County 4-H Members.
If you live in Dunn County and don’t want to miss out on future 4-H activities, join Dunn County 4-H today! To see more of our activities, visit our Facebook page.