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Fix-It Clinic at The Rassbach Museum - March 29th


Are you a fixer of small appliances, clothing, bikes, computers, toys and more? Volunteer your time and skill for our community. Sign up for our first Fix it Clinic. Orientation is at the Museum on March 13 (details to follow)


Buttons sewn on? A broken lamp?

We will soon have a list of volunteer skills that will be available at the Fix it Clinic - if you have something that can be fixed by our volunteers, bring it on down between 1-4 on March 29, and you will get to work with the volunteer as they show you how to fix your item.

Financial Donations will gladly be accepted to help cover supplies and future Fix-It Clinics!

Items are NOT to be dropped off and picked up at a later time - This is an opportunity to learn skills, and meet folks in your community!

No items may be left behind at the museum

No more than 4 items per person

Volunteers will do their best to fix your item, or let you know what further steps to take.

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