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Healing from Trauma support group at Arbor Place

Join The Bridge to Hope advocates at Arbor Place for our weekly support group! We focus on healing from trauma through facilitated discussions covering topics such as positive self-esteem, setting better boundaries, and having healthy relationships. This discussion is hosted at Arbor Place but is open to the public! Just enter through the back door.

Please read our guidelines below and contact Josie at or 715-235-9074 with any questions.


Healing from Trauma Group Guidelines

1. Inclusivity - Group is open to anyone 17+ who has experienced trauma, regardless of gender, race, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

It is important to remember that anyone can experience domestic abuse and sexual assault. Not all perpetrators are men, and not all victims are women. So, please be respectful when talking about our experiences to not place generalized blame on a specific race or gender.

2. Confidentiality – who is in this group and what is said in this group must stay here. This means no recording of group meetings in any way. Also, if you see other group members out in public, please be respectful of their boundaries.

3. Be Respectful - of people’s time and energy. Due to the sensitivity of what folks are sharing during the group, we ask that you are at Arbor Place by 12:05 PM unless you contact Josie ahead of time at

We also want to be respectful in regard to sharing. We want each person to be able to share during the group if they choose. We also want to make sure we respect your time. If you would like to share something heavy that needs support, please bring it up at the beginning of the group if possible. This gives folks time to discuss and support each other.

4. Sharing is encouraged but not required. No group member is ever required to answer any question, to participate in any activity, or to tell anything. If you are asked questions or asked to participate in an activity which makes you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to pass. It is also important to never pressure other group members to participate in any discussion or activity after the member has passed or refused. However, please understand that you will benefit more from the group the more you are able to take risks in sharing and participating.

Boundaries around personal sharing in order to ensure the emotional safety of self and others:

Being mindful of the detail and language we use when sharing (aggressive/offensive/sexual/ disrespectful language & tone) to ensure we don’t trigger or leave others feeling vulnerable and unsafe.

5. No minimizing traumas and/or experiences; your own or another group member. We never want to invalidate someone’s experiences and feelings, even if you may have a different perspective then they might have.

6. No abusive behaviors, including but not limited to - name calling, gender bashing, hate speech, racist remarks, and homophobic/transphobic language.

7. We do not discuss group members who are not present.

8. Each person knows what is best for her or himself, and therefore carries the primary responsibility for their own well-being during the group. If at any time you need to leave or take a break, for any reason, you are free to do so.

9. Try to use “I” language instead of ‘advice-giving’ We do not prescribe, diagnose, or give advice ... we suggest. We are a group of people with a common bond, sharing our troubles, experiences, understanding, strength and wisdom. We listen, explore options, and express our feelings.

Example: “I found that for me, __________ was helpful”.

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