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Menomonie City Council - July 10th and July 24th

July 24th

On a 7-3 vote, the City Council approved a permit to blast rock for underground utility construction at the Estover Terrace development. The Council did include a condition on the permit requiring that the blasting can only occur between 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday and not on weekends or holidays.

Jake Vincent from Applied Energies, the company doing the blasting, and Jason Reit from construction company Haas Inc. were on hand to explain the project to the council.

Hass has been using other methods to dig the needed trenches, but with the presence of shale rock, which is high in clay content, they have not been able to make sufficient progress. With blasting, the work can be completed in about one week, versus several months with other methods. Blasting is used to create fissures in the rock, breaking them up so the area can then be excavated.

Letters will be sent to all property owners within 500 feet of the project informing them of when the blasting will be taking place as well as offering a no cost survey to document the existing condition of their homes. The pre-blast surveys are required by law as a way to protect the property owner and the contractor. The airblasts will not exceed 1.33 dB and sensors will be placed around the area to monitor ground vibrations.

In other business:

  • The Council approved the dedication of approximately 470 feet of Lookout Road as public right-of-way. This is city owned land that was never formally dedicated as public right-of-way.

  • TID #13 has reached its end and the city is unable to provide incentives to attract new development. The Council approved authorizing Cedar Corporation to assist with the development of TID #18 which will include the undeveloped land in TID #13. TID #13 will be amended to include only the properties needed to create enough revenue to pay off the remaining debt. TID #13 includes Ellsworth Creamery and Hurlburt Heating.

  • The city has received $141,025 in federal funds through the Energy Innovation Grant Program. The grant will be used to update City Hall’s HVAC system. The city will also be eligible for Focus on Energy and Xcel Energy financial incentives. The project includes installing energy efficient equipment and controls that serve the hot water system, several air handling units, zone controllers, fan coil units and radiant ceiling panels. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $221,495 with the city providing $80,470 in cash and in-kind labor.

  • The Council approved the appointment of Chris Johnson to the Historical Preservation Commission and Lowell Prange to the Parking Utility.

  • Public Works Director David Schofield shared that resurfacing of 21st Avenue from Broadway to 9th Street and 5th Street from 21st Avenue to the city limit near Sisters Court will start on July 31st. The work is expected to be completed by August 25th.

July 10th

The Council approved two changes to the Stepping Stones homeless shelter. The changes are removal and replacement of 92 feet of curb and gutter along 17th Street to eliminate an existing driveway opening and the installation of a hydrant on 17th Street. For grant purposes, the city is the contract owner, and the City Council must approve all changes.

The Council approved payment to McCabe Construction for completion of the Wilson Creek storm sewer repair project. The final amount of the project was higher than the estimate due to city crews not being able to complete tree clearing due to the severity of the slope and to construction overruns.

The Council referred zoning ordinance amendments for 600 Midway Road and 568 Midway Road to the Plan Commission. The owners want to adjust the location of the joint property lines; however, the land is in two different zoning classifications.

A special event permit application for National Night Out on August 1st was approved.

Earl Wildenberg was reappointed to the Airport Commission.

The Public Service Commission issued a final decision approving new water rates for the City of Menomonie. The new rates will go into effect on September 1st.

The Council approved a budget transfer to cover the increased cost for chemicals used at the Wakanda Waterpark. This was necessary due to the fact that the filter system is nearing the end of its life and to a cost increase from the supplier. The filtration system will be changing to a sand filter possibly as soon as next year.

Mayor’s Report

The Historic Preservation Committee is working on a new comprehensive plan that will make things easier for new businesses.

An affordable housing project continues to be worked on, as is dock/lake access to the southside of Lake Menomin.

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