Menomonie High School announces its 2024 Homecoming Court Members,
of whom include:
Ilisabeth Doran, daughter of Jon Doran and Sarah Hirsch
Cortlyn Greeley, daughter of Matt and Cari Greeley
Megan McMahon, daughter of Nate and Ramie McMahon
Ashley Slupe, daughter of Greg and Angie Slupe
Daisy Swaenepoel, daughter of Shawn Swaenepoel and Kalani Krautbauer
Rex Drout, son of Brad and Keila Drout
Ben Helminski, son of Luke Helminski and Hollie Helminski
John Higbie, son of Patrick and Audra Higbie
Spencer Kelsey, son of Daniel and Alena Kelsey
Ethan Oium, son of Kevin and Tonya Oium
Last week, Seniors (Class of 2025) voted to select the Homecoming Court. On Friday, September 20th, the King and Queen will be crowned at the Homecoming Coronation Ceremony.
Homecoming is sponsored by the MHS Student Council led by President Tehya Johnson, Vice President Max Buhr, and advisors Mary Oehler and Michelle Pellegrino. The theme for this year’s Homecoming is “Menomonie’s Got Game!”
During Spirit Week, classes dress up according to different themes, play games, and decorate the school in hopes of winning the class spirit award.
The parade will begin at 4 pm. The Parade route begins on 14th Avenue, left on 9th Street. Follow 9th to Wilson Ave and take a left. Follow Wilson Ave to 7th Street and take a left. Proceed down 7th Street back to the Leisure Center to dismantle.
Menomonie football will host The Superior Spartans at approximately 7:00 pm on the 20th of September at Don and Nona Williams Stadium. During half time, the Grand Marshal of the parade, Mr. Dave Kile, the Homecoming Court, and their parents will be presented.
The MHS Cheer and Stunt team will perform a routine. The winning parade float will be announced along with the winning class of all Homecoming competitions.
Submitted article. Photos courtesy of Siri Benrud Photography.