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Mustang Hockey Senior Teacher Appreciation Night

The Menomonie Mustang Hockey team held their Senior Teacher Appreciation Night on January 2nd. This is an opportunity for the senior players to recognize a teacher who has made a difference in their lives. Each senior is pictured below with the teacher they chose. All photos are by Sara Bahr.

Peter Cimino #4 - Mr. Olson, High School Social Studies Teacher

Ayden Bahr #6 - Mrs. Howard, High School Para-Educator

Colten Thatcher #8 - Mr. Sterry, Woods/Tech Ed Teacher

Owen Welch #11 - Mr. Kretz, 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher

Mitch Kopaczewski #12 Mrs. Goodman High School Business Teacher

Logan Cockeram #16 - Coach Webster, High School Gym Teacher

Hayden Weir #21 - Mr. Haas, 7th grade English Teacher

Rex Drout #25 - Senora Taylor, High School Spanish Teacher

Caleb DeVries #30 - Mrs. Spielman, High Schoool History Teacher

Carl Rabeneck #35 - Mr. Schutte, 5th Grade Wakanda Elementary

Missing from pictures - Ben Draeger #18 - Mr. Blum, High School Metals Teacher

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