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Radical Act of Community; Movement & Healing - March 18th

Let's practice some radical care of ourselves and each other by stepping into our bodies as fully as possible and experiencing where we are in the moment.

This practice is what you bring to it. Dance for 45 minutes straight in a free-form style that makes room for every person to respond to the music in their own way…yoga, walking meditation, vocalizing, internal exploration, playful partnering; everyone making room for everyone else.

The playlist starts and ends in a meditative state. There are often a couple of earthy songs in the mix to ground us with drums or nature-inspired lyrics, and the middle songs are chaotic and driving. I’ve experienced our dances as movement through emotional responses to music that help loosen up places where we might be stuck…all within a supportive community. Open to all genders. Invite friends. The more energy we create together, the more powerful our dance can be!

$7 suggested donation helps pay for the music and time to build playlists, but please don't let money keep you from coming. We want you on the dance floor!

Bring a full water bottle and wear clothing that allows you to move freely and layer as needed.

Questions? Contact Jessica Fischer at 612-810-6855 or To see playlists go HERE.

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