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Stepping Stones shares recent donations to the food pantry

The St. Joseph Parish & School 5th-grade class stopped by to drop off 307 lbs of food they collected! Afterward, our Executive Director, Padraig, gave them a short tour of the pantry and Stepping Stones. Thanks for stopping by to drop off your donations!

Thank you to Dunn County, Wisconsin for partnering with Stepping Stones to host a holiday meal food drive! With several drop-off locations throughout Menomonie, including The Neighbors of Dunn County, they were able to collect 287lbs for the food pantry. Thank you for your donations!

Thank You! The food and financial donations from Colfax Cub Scouts Pack 42 are equivalent to 293 lbs for our food pantry. Great Job Scouts!

Walmart DC’s Employee Food Drive brought in a pallet’s worth of food - 849lbs to be exact! Thank you for your donation this holiday season!

UW-stout service club Trick or Can food drive donated 861 pounds. Many thanks from Stepping Stones of Dunn County!

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