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Stepping Stones shares recent donations to the food pantry

All branches of Citizens State Bank hosted a food drive this fall benefiting local food pantries. Over 600 pounds of food was donated by customers and CSB staff and a $2,500 donation from the bank was shared across five food pantries, including Stepping Stones. Thank you for your contributions!

Thank you to the Dunn County Democrats  for collecting over 100 turkeys for our food pantry for Thanksgiving!

Thank you to Knights of Columbus #2055 for their yearly donation of not only food (290#!) but funds to our food pantry so we could be stocked for the holidays.

Bremer Bank and United Way, based in Minnesota, teamed up to assemble 700 “Welcome Home Kits” for local families transitioning out of homelessness. Stepping Stones’ Shelter program was a lucky recipient of 20 of these boxes, thanks to outreach from local Menomonie Bremer staff. Thank you for your donation!

Thank you, Anytime Fitness Menomonie for your Food Drive donation that brought in 182 lbs for our pantry.

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