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WisDOT seeking input on safety improvement project in Menomonie

Proposed work aims to realign US 12/WIS 25/Pine Avenue East intersection

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is holding a virtual public involvement meeting to obtain input on an improvement project proposed for the intersection of US 12/WIS 25/Pine Avenue East in the Dunn County city of Menomonie.

The public is invited to go to the project website, review a presentation and maps and submit comments by email or mail to project staff.

Materials: Follow this link.

Comments: Provide by Friday, March 24, 2023, by:

proposed improvements

The current intersection configuration has negative offset left-turn lanes that contribute to a pattern of documented high crash rates. A negative offset creates a difficult situation for drivers to make side road crossing and turning movements. Drivers making opposing left-turns are unable to adequately see around each other as opposing left-turning vehicles obstruct the visibility of oncoming cars. To address these, WisDOT is proposing to:

  • Realign the north- and southbound left-turn lanes on WIS 25 to create a positive offset.

  • Realign the east- and westbound left-turn lanes on US 12 and Pine Avenue East to create a neutral offset.

  • Realign the eastbound right-turn lane on US 12 to improve the viewing angle for drivers.

  • Improve existing pedestrian curb ramps.

  • Install monotube traffic signal equipment at the intersection to increase signal head visibility.

  • Construct a raised median along US 12 and place new concrete pavement.

  • Replace concrete on the west leg of the intersection on US 12.

  • Mill and overlay Pine Avenue East on the east leg of the intersection.

  • Place permanent signage and new pavement markings.

Minor real estate acquisition will be required for improvements.

Construction is scheduled for 2025. During construction, US 12 and WIS 25 will remain open to traffic with single-lane closures and one lane of traffic in each direction at all times.

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